miércoles, 26 de abril de 2017

ECF EU Cycling Strategy


Blueprint for an EU Cycling Strategy
As participant in PEBSS Public European Bike Sharing Systems I am glad to collaborate with the https://ecf.com/projects/eu-cycling-strategy with the following suggestions and comments 

Chapter 4.4 Cycle parkinng
EU POLICY should include bike parking infrastructures to all high traffic demanding buildings or centers as Hospital, universities, commercial centers, etc.

Chapte 7.1 Subsidies for Cycling
In coherence with ‘Declaration on cycling as a climate friendly transport mode’
Eu funded projects should incorporate bikes and E-bikes in the term VEHICLE , providing the equal scope of the project as for the motorized or public transport. Special mention to those related with road safety as is the case of eCall, UDRIVE and VRUITS that shall be encouraged to gain from synergies .
eBikes and IoT provides technologies that allow to change the term CONNECTED CAR to CONNECTED VEHICLES

Subsidies in Societal challenges should evaluate benefits of cycling for the topics in 
  • Health
  • Transport
  • Energy saving
considering 'Rewards for cycling' as in bike to work initiative using reimbursement per Km as a promotion of walking and cycling - the healthier means of transport. Best practice examples at individual companies, organizations or local level as in Paris as well as legislation to reward kms cycled need a higher coordination an legislation at EU level.

Chapte 8 and 7.1 According to Mobility Platforms, specially those Eu funded,  a higher projects synergies and open platforms integration is a must for a massive citizens adoption as usefull multimodal mobility information . Examples of those multimodal platforms are Mobinet, MoveUS and the last announced to be available soon by ECF as PEBSS Public European Bike Sharing Systems. A worst case example is found at Madrid Transport information platforms whit independent apps are avaiulable from Comunidad de Madrid , Metro, EMT ( bus ) plus the private ones. 

Chapter 8 and 10. Interoperability is a basic requirement for data collecction platforms to be effectible used by citizens. We tend to a "Connected World" and the term is Profusely used in the new potential market of "autonomous driving" where interoperability is a must. 
Interoperability should be considered in the EU as a mandatory requirement boyh to promote citizens to share "their information" and to change the shape from individual/independent platforms towards "moblity as a sevice for better cities to live in"

Chapter 10.5 Stimulate + Harmonize Data Crowd sourcing. Learning from the well developed and known subsidies method from mobile operators , to promote the citizens to share the information EU POLICY should define and include Rewarding/Reimbursment methods , based on both
  • the importance/value of cycling/walking data for a liveable city redesign
  • the health value for the comunity with already existing tools as HEAT

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