miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2013

IDEAS For Europe at http://www.yourideasforeurope.eu/en

We do share the common goal about a Digital Single Market as a mean to improve EU competence, citizens wellfare and sustainable economy.

One proposal to promote SMEs innovation based on 

97 % of SME in Spain have less than 2M€ of Total Sales. 
Average of I+D+i investment is 1,3% = 26.000€. 
National funding programs requires minimum innovation Project budget as 175.000€ with minimum SME own resources of 30% = 52.500€. 

That means 3.000.000 potential innovation ideas are out of the national funding programs.

Following the concept "THINK EU ACT LOCAL" a closer organization to SMEs to listen and promote the very best IDEAS is needed. There are already EU initiatives close to the SMEs business and innovations, the Telecentres Network and the ENoLL European Network of living Labs that could provide microfunding solutions through mentoring, incubators,startup support and even crowdfuding

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